Pete’s Top Ten Games of 2013

Happy New Year everyone! I thought I’d start out the year by telling you my favorite games I played last year. Most of them were released last year. I’d first like to start by listing some games I omitted from the list due to not playing or not playing enough of to fairly judge. Games…

Mandate Radio: Ep. 8 (11/20/2013)

Mandate Radio: Ep. 8 (11/19/2013) Happy Wednesday everyone! and welcome back to another delicious, tantalizing, and sensual offering of Mandate Radio, which could also be described as Indie Games AAA’s premier podcast. In other words, you are in for a treat. Pete and Franky get right back at it in what may be the most…

Why I Love What I Am Playing: ‘Gnomoria’

Sometimes it is nice to be given a structured easel. For those with little artistic talent such as myself, it can be difficult to express oneself through drawing or photography. Thus, the somewhat open sandbox genre can provide people like me with a creative medium, while not requiring true artistic talent. Indeed ‘Gnomoria’ has been…