Baasvik Reviews- Horizon: Zero Dawn

Baasvik is here for something new! A critical analysis of a video game! He talks about the issues with open-world games and how they relate to Horizon: Zero Dawn. I hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know if you have any comments, complaints or questions.

Fitz’s Top 10 Albums of All-Time

Here’s Fitz’s Top 10 10. Tycho: Dive Tycho: Dive Full Album Youtube   9. The National: High Violet The National Full Album Playlist on Youtube   8. Wild Nothing: Nocturne Wild Nothing Nocture Full Album on Youtube   7. Frank Ocean: Channel Orange Channel Orange Full Album Playlist on Youtube   6: Neon Indian: Era Extrana…

‘Pony Island’ Review

2016 is off and running and of course I’m playing a game about ponies, the devil, and messaging systems. I really feel like this is going to be the year of the in-game instant messenger. It’s about time. This may be the only one, however, which has the IM chats be between you and demons.…

Pete’s Top Ten Games of 2015

I sit here on December 30th as I enjoy one of the last glasses of gin I can have in 2015 pondering the games that impacted me the most this year and as I look back, I can’t help but think that the year was not one of negativity but of fantastic experiences. I wouldn’t…

‘Fallout 4’ Review

I don’t often revisit games from my younger years. I often avoid them for a reason. It is not unlikely that in all of the years that have gone by I have become influenced by a wider-eyed version of me who found the years of 2007-2010 the most interesting in all of gaming. One of…

Pete’s Top Ten Games of 2014

2014 was all right by me. It was a year of positivity. It was one of my favorite years of gaming because I think it was the year I became most deeply imbedded in gaming. I played whatever I could get my hands on. It was really exhausting. I had a good year of podcasting…

Switching to a Star-Based Rating System

I really hate most numbers-based game rating systems. They’re pretty terrible. So for the past year our reviews have been devoid of a “numbered rating scale”. But I began to feel like changing it… so I have. We will now be operating on a star-based rating scale. It’s simple: 1-5 stars for any game we…

What Happened to Indie Petey?

Starting last year I began doing a game-of-the-year list. I continued compiling games throughout 2014 for this year’s list. Something struck me. There was a prominent lack of indie games. Last year 6 out of my 10 games in the top 10 were indie offerings with ‘Guacamelee’, ‘The Stanley Parable’, ‘Runner 2’, ‘Proteus’, ‘Antichamber’, and ‘Gnomoria’.…

Pete’s Top Ten Games of 2013

Happy New Year everyone! I thought I’d start out the year by telling you my favorite games I played last year. Most of them were released last year. I’d first like to start by listing some games I omitted from the list due to not playing or not playing enough of to fairly judge. Games…

So…You Might Actually Be A Dashcam

In the article I wrote about ‘The Light‘, I briefly mentioned that you play as a dashcam.  The humble dashcam has become synonymous with Russia because nearly every vehicle (so it seems) in the motherland is equipped with one of these.  All those cameras are primed and ready to record all of that hot Russian…

‘Rogue Legacy’ is 2D ‘Dark Souls’

I bought ‘Rogue Legacy’ in what common-folk would call a “digital sale” and Microsoft would consider “uncharted territory.” I played about 2 hours and was thoroughly enjoying myself before I had a sudden realization: this was all eerily familiar. I was dying constantly, but didn’t care. Every time I died it was my fault. Classes…

Something I Dislike: Reviewing with Numbers

I do not know what the origin of the numbered review was, but it now exists in incredible prevalence. I am sure this topic has been written on before, but I believe in an age of lessening attention spans an article on the topic holds weight and significance. Therefore, I believe, as a man who…

I Have No Desire to Play ‘Hotline Miami’

‘Hotline Miami’ is some hot shit right now. Everybody is geeking out about its style, prose, and confidence. I am quite sure it is as, if not more, fantastic than everybody has claimed it to be. Yet, I have little to no desire to play it. I have watched trailers, read reviews, and seen screens,…